FAQs - Accounting Software


Option: Report ->GST ->GST Return Above option generates statutory GST Forms as per Government’s GST calculation reports like GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3B, GSTR-4 etc.
Option: Utility -> Havala -> Interest This option displays report of interest payable on Secured/ Unsecured loan accounts. Press CTRL+H or click on HAVALA for Havala entry.
RAM: 1 GB or more. Hard Disk Space: Minimum 8 GB or more free space. .NET Framework: .NET Framework 4.0 or Higher Version OS (Operating System): Microsoft XP, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8.1, or Microsoft Windows 10 Supported.
Step 1: Download Plus setup. Plus can be install from CD/other media or setup can be download directly from internet. To download, go to: http://www.aakashinfo.com Step 2: Run Setup. First run Setup. By clicking on run, next screen will be “software license agreement”. Now click on “I accept the agreement” and press “Next” button for next screen. Next screen will be from where you want to run your Plus and you will find the path ‘c: \plus2inst’. Now, again press “Next” button. Now, next screen will be welcome screen and then press ‘NEXT’, you will find path where you want to install “Plus Accounting Software”. Next screen will have following options: • Software: Here, you have to select which software you purchased. • Type: Here, you need to select type of software i.e. single user or multi user. Then, Press “Finish” button to complete your installation. Step 3: Now, Double click on icon to start “Plus Accounting Software”.
In case of system formation, you need to surrender your software first from “Exit” menu. After formation of your PC, you just need to run setup and install software. And then go to “Exit” menu and click on “register” then fill all the license detail and then “Activate”.
It is strongly recommended for users to take back-up on external devices such as pen drive or hard disk or any other media devices. To format your hard disk, copy plus folder in external devices such as pen drive or CD drive or HDD. After formatting of your system, copy back plus folder in your system and run plus setup to re-install plus accounting software.
Data entered in Demo version of plus will not be affected. Demo installation of plus can be converted into original software just by purchasing software and registering it.
After starting plus software, list of existing companies will appear on the screen. To create new company, press F3 key or click on NEW button. In company creation screen, enter all relevant details for the company (firm) like State, Language for operation, Company Name etc. Additional details like company PAN, address detail, company log etc. can be given by pressing Next button. Click Finish button to create new company. Note: To change details of existing firm, press F4 or click EDIT button.
Master -> Account In this option, list of all existing accounts will be displayed. To create new account just press INSERT or click on the ADD button. New account creation screen will appear. In this screen, Please fill details for the account like Account Name, Alias or code, group for the account. Depending on the account’s group, different other details will be shown. Enter relevant details here and press CTRL+ENTER or click on OK button to create new account. All the behavior of an account depends on group of that particular account. Following is help regarding selection of account group. Note: New account can also be created from accounts list at the time of entry by pressing F3 or clicking on NEW button. To edit existing account, press F4 or click on EDIT button and press CTRL+Y or click on DELETE to delete.
Option: Master -> Product Here, list of all existing products will be displayed. To create new product, just press INSERT or click on the ADD button. New product creation screen will appear. In the product information screen, enter all relevant details of the product like Product name and press CTRL+ENTER or click on OK button to create new product. Note: New product can also be created from product list at the time of entry by pressing F3 or clicking on NEW button. To edit any existing product press F4 or click on EDIT button and for deletion, press CTRL+Y or click DELETE button.
Start Your Company in Plus 2.0 Click on Setup > Company Setup > GST > GST Required = “Yes”
Click on Setup > Company Setup > GST > GST Details (Like GST Tin No .Username, registered Mobile No etc.)
Click on Setup > GST Setup > Expense Setup > Set focus on GST Setup > Select Slab Type (For E.g. GST, IGST, etc.) Note: - In GST Auto slab setup there are both option, please select Particular slab. 1. Sale GST Configuration 2. Purchase GST Configuration
If you want to transfer Vat tax class into GST tax class then follow below steps. Click on Setup > GST Setup >Slab And commodity > In the slab and commodity there are both option VAT tax class & GST tax class. In Vat tax class we can see tax slab (For Ex. Vat 4% + 1%, Vat 12.5% +2.5%...etc.) For Ex. We transfer Vat 4%+1% into the GST 5% then select the GST 5% in GST Tax Class.
Click on Setup > GST Setup > Product After you can see your all product in the List. Select the Product and Enter HSN code. (Use Enter key For Select Product ) Click on HSN Code button given into the footer in the list. After Select the HSN Code and Click on ok.(You can add the HSN code Using New Button)
Click on Setup > GST Setup > Account After you can show your all Account in the List. Select Account and add GSTIN No We can also select the Register Type Like (Register, consumer ,composition )
For composition setup, Please go through this following step: Menu Option: Setup > company setup > GST > Enter compound date. Setup > company setup > GST > Composition Tax--YES. Setup > company setup > GST > Composition %(as per Business)
For export (0.1%) setup, Please go through this following step: Setup > GST Setup > Expense setup > GST Setup > select export GST (0.1%) & export IGST (0.1%)
Plus software provides 3 type of security. a) Software Security To set Software Password, go to Option: Setup -> Software Setup and set security type as software. Plus will ask for Software Password. Once software password is set, plus will ask for password each time software is started. b) Company wise Security To set Company Password, go to Option: Setup -> Software Setup and set security type as Company. Go to company master and set password for that company. Once password is set, plus will ask for password each time that company is selected. c) User wise Security To set User wise security, go to Option: Setup -> Software Setup and set security type as User wise. Go to company master and set user & password for that company. Once password is set, Plus will ask for user name and password each time that company is selected. To create users, go to Option: Setup -> Security -> User Detail
Option: Transaction -> Sales Entry -> Sales Invoice List for Sales invoice will be displayed. Press INSERT or click on NEW button to add entry. In sales invoice entry, enter details like Cash/Debit bill, Party name, Inv. Type, Date, Bill no. etc. Than enter product detail, like Product Name, Qty, Rate and Amount. Details of more than one product can be entered by pressing enter on blank line. To edit existing entry, press ENTER on that entry and press CTRL+Y to delete entry. Enter details of expenses (Freight/Discount etc.) and VAT/GST and press CTRL+ENTER or click on OK button to save entry.
Option: Transaction -> Sales Entry -> Sales Return From above option,Sales return entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to sales invoice.
Option: Transaction -> Sales Entry -> Sales Challan From above option, Sales Challan entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to sales invoice. Note: a) To use Challan option, first go to Setup -> Company Setup -> Advance Entry and set option Challan Required to Yes b) To prepare Bill from Challan, go to Option: Transaction -> Sales Entry -> Bill from Challan. c) To view Pending Challan, go to Report -> Order/Challan -> Issue Challan
Option: Transaction -> Sales Entry -> Sales Order From above option, Sales Order entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to sales invoice. Note: a) To use Order option, first go to Setup -> Company Setup -> Advance Entry and set option Order Required to Yes b) To adjust order against Sales Bill / Challan, at the time of Bill / Challan entry, press CTRL+O or click ORDER for list of pending orders. c) To view Pending Order, go to Report -> Order/Challan -> Sales Order
Option: Transaction -> Sales Entry -> Quotation From above option, Quotation entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to sales order. Note: a) To use Quotation option, first go to Setup -> Company Setup -> Advance Entry and set option Quotation Required to Yes b) To adjust quotation against Sales Bill / Challan, at the time of Bill / Challan entry, press CTRL+Q or click QUOTATION for list of pending quotations. c) To view Pending Quotation, go to Report -> Quotation Report
Option: Transaction -> Purchase Entry -> Purchase Return From above option, Purchase return entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to purchase invoice.
Option: Transaction -> Purchase Entry -> Purchase Challan From above option, Purchase Challan entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to Purchase invoice. Note: a) To use Challan option, first go to Setup -> Company Setup -> Advance Entry and set option Challan Required to Yes b) To prepare Bill from Challan, go to Option: Transaction -> Purchase Entry -> Bill from Challan. c) To view Pending Challan, go to Report -> Order/Challan -> Receipt Challan
Option: Transaction -> Purchase Entry -> Purchase Invoice List for Purchase bills will be displayed. Press INSERT or click on NEW button to add entry. In Purchase bill entry, enter details like Cash/Debit bill, Party name, Expense Type, Date, Bill no. etc. Than enter product detail, like Product Name, Qty, Rate and Amount. Details of more than one product can be entered by pressing enter on blank line. To edit existing entry, press ENTER on that entry and press CTRL+Y to delete entry. Enter details of expenses (Freight/Discount etc.) and VAT/GST and press CTRL+ENTER or click on OK button to save entry. Note: a) Expenses and VAT details can be set from Setup -> Voucher Setup -> Purchase Invoice -> Entry Type & Extra Details options. b) To print Purchase bill after saving it, go to Setup -> Voucher Setup -> Purchase Invoice. Set Online Bill Printing option to Yes and select bill printing format and enter no. of copies to print. c) For Online E-Mail, SMS also set appropriate options from Setup -> Voucher Setup -> Purchase Invoice
Option: Transaction -> Purchase Entry -> Purchase Order From above option, Purchase Order entry can be entered. Method of entry and other options are similar to purchase invoice. Note: a) To use Order option, first go to Setup -> Company Setup -> Advance Entry and set option Order Required to Yes b) To adjust order against Purchase Bill / Challan, at the time of Bill / Challan entry, press CTRL+O or click ORDER for list of pending orders. c) To view Pending Order, go to Report -> Order/Challan -> Purchase Order
Option: Transaction -> Stock Entry -> Opening Stock List for Opening stock vouchers will be displayed. Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. In Opening Stock entry, enter details like Voucher Date, Voucher No etc., than enter opening stock detail, like Product Name, Qty, Rate and Amount. Details of more than one product can be entered by pressing enter on blank line. To edit existing entry, press ENTER on that entry and press CTRL+Y to delete entry.
Option: Transaction -> Journal Entry List of voucher types (Cash Receipt / Cash Payment / Bank Receipt/ Bank Payment / Contra) will be displayed. Select required voucher type and press enter. Voucher list for selected voucher type will be displayed. Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. Here enter detail like Voucher date etc. and enter multiple detail of entry. Here first account will be always Cash / Bank Account.
a) Simple In simple method party’s receipt / payment is adjusted against net balance. Option: Report -> Outstanding -> Receivable for simple receivable report. Option: Report -> Outstanding -> Payable for simple payable report. Option: Report -> Outstanding -> Pending Cash Memo for pending Cash Memo list. b) Bill To Bill In this method party’s receipt / payment amount is adjusted against particular Bill. Also there is provision for on Account balance. Option: Report -> Outstanding -> Bill wise Receivable for bill to bill receivable report. Option: Report -> Outstanding -> Bill wise Payable for bill to bill payable report. On selecting above options, different report format list will be displayed, select appropriate format to view report. Note: a) To activate Bill to Bill outstanding, go to Setup -> Company Setup > General Options and set Bill to Bill Outstanding option to Yes. b) For Graph of Monthly Receivable / Payable, press CTRL+G or click GRAPH. c) To print Collection Letter or current report, press CTRL+P or click PRINT. d) To send outstanding SMS to parties, press CTRL+M or click SMS. e) To send outstanding E-Mail, press CTRL+E or click E-MAIL. f) To view analytical reports like payment performance, press CTRL+A or click ANALYSIS.
Option: Transaction -> Stock Entry -> Credit Note Transaction -> Stock Entry -> Debit Note List for vouchers will be displayed. Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. In Credit / Debit Note entry, select Party Name. If you want to give effect of this CN/DN into party’s account than select Account in Adjust In. If you don’t want to give effect in account but to adjust amount of this CN/DN into Sale/Purchase invoice than select Invoice in Adjust In. Enter stock detail, like type of claim (expiry/breakage/non-moving etc.), stock effect of this entry (Yes/No), Product Name, Qty, Rate and Amount. Details of more than one product can be entered by pressing enter on blank line. To edit existing entry, press ENTER on that entry and press CTRL+Y to delete entry. Enter details of expenses (Freight/Discount etc.) and VAT/GST and press CTRL+ENTER or click on OK button to save entry.
Option: Transaction -> Stock Entry -> Stock Journal Transaction -> Production List for vouchers will be displayed. Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. In Stock Journal / Production entry, enter Voucher Date & No, select Process (Excess/Shortage/General in case of Stock Journal & Other Process in case of Production entry. In Production, you can create new process by pressing F3 or clicking on NEW button. After process selection, production entry which is defined in Process will come automatically. Details of more than one product can be entered by pressing enter on blank line. To edit existing entry, press ENTER on that entry and press CTRL+Y to delete entry. Press ENTER or click on OK button to save entry. Note: a) To Enable Production / Stock Journal vouchers, go to Setup -> Company Setup -> Advance Vouchers option. b) To setup process definition of Production voucher, go to Master -> Process Master
Option: Transaction -> GST Entry ->Journal Entry GST Expense:- List of vouchers are displayed here, Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. Here enter Details like Party Name, GST Type, Expense A/c and Tax Class. GST Credit Note/Debit Note:- List of vouchers are displayed here, Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. Here enter Details like Party Name, GST Type, Expense A/c and Tax Class.
Option: Report -> Register -> Sales Register Option: Report -> Register -> Purchase Register By selecting above option, different type of Sale/Purchase register formats will be displayed. Select desired format and press enter to view report.
Option: Report -> Stock Reports -> Product Ledger By selecting above option, different type of product / stock report formats like Product Ledger, Stock Statement, and Stock Statement on Amount etc. will be displayed. Select desired format and press enter to view report. In this report, ledger of particular product can be viewed by pressing ENTER on that product. Note: To view analytical stock reports like Stock FIFO report, Negative Stock report, Multi Product Ledgers etc., select Product Ledger Report format and press CTRL+P. Option: Report -> Stock Reports -> Party wise Report By selecting above option, different type of party / product wise sales and inventory report like Party wise Issue Summary / Receipt Summary can be viewed. Select desired format and press enter to view report. Various other reports like Batch / Location wise, Serial No. Stock, Scheme Report, Packing Stock Report etc. depending upon software version and options selected in setup can be viewed / printed from this menu.
Option: Report ->GST ->GST Return Above option generates statutory GST Forms as per Government’s GST calculation reports like GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3B, GSTR-4 etc.
Option: Report ->GST ->GST Report
Option: Report ->GST ->GST Register>GST Sales/Purchase Register By selecting above option, different type of GST Sale/Purchase register formats will be displayed. Select desired format and press enter to view report
Option: Report ->GST ->GST Integrity Report Above option detects any GST related errors in vouchers
Option: Report -> Account Books -> Ledger Different type of formats for list of all accounts will be displayed. Select required format and press ENTER. In account list, press enter on any account to generate ledger of that account. Note: a) To print Multiple ledger, select 1st Report format of account list and press CTRL+P or click on PRINT b) Press CTRL+F2 or click FORMAT for different type of ledger format like Vertical, Horizontal, Monthly Summary, Daily summary etc. c) Press {+} key for ledger of Next account (in alphabetical order) & { -} key for Previous account. d) Click on Account Name for list of accounts and to view ledger of another account, select the account and press Enter e) Press CTRL+G or click on Graph to print / view graph f) For setup of Ledger report press CTRL+F3 or click SETUP g) Press CTRL+W or click on Voucher Print button to print particular voucher. h) To edit any voucher, press ENTER or double- click on any voucher. i) To delete any voucher press CTRL+Y or click DELETE j) To add new voucher, press INSERT or click NEW k) To print report press CTRL+P or click PRINT
Option: Report -> Account Books -> Cash Book List of Accounts under Cash In Hand group will be displayed. In this list press enter on Cash account to view cash book of that account. Note: a) To view / adjust Negative Cash, press F4 in Cash Book report. b) All above features explained in Ledger works in Cash Book also.
Option: Report -> Account Books -> Bank Book List of Accounts under Bank Accounts / Bank OCC Accounts group will be displayed. In this list press enter on any bank account to view bank book of that account. Note: a) For Bank Reconciliation, press F6 in Bank Book report. b) All above features explained in Ledger works in Bank Book also.
Option: Report -> Account Books -> Day Book By selecting this option, day book will be displayed. To select / deselect voucher types which are included in this report, press F4. Note: All above features explained in Ledger works in Bank Book also.
Trial Balance Option: Report -> Balance Sheet -> Trial Balance By selecting this option, Trial Balance will be displayed. Here press CTRL+F2 or click on FORMAT to change display format, press ENTER on any account or click LEDGER to view account ledger of that account and CTRL+F3 or click on SETUP for report setup. Trading Account Option: Report -> Balance Sheet -> Trading Account By selecting this option, Trading Account will be displayed. Here press CTRL+S or click on SCHEDULE SETUP for schedule wise printing setting, press CTRL+M or click on STOCK METHOD to set stock calculation method, press CTRL+Z or click on STOCK to give stock value if stock method is NONE. Profit & Loss Statement Option: Report -> Balance Sheet -> P & L Statement By selecting this option, P & L Statement will be displayed. Here press F4 or click on TRADING A/C for Trading A/c and F3 or click on Auto Entry for Auto Voucher Entry of expenses etc. Balance Sheet Option: Report -> Balance Sheet -> Balance Sheet By selecting this option, Balance Sheet will be displayed. Here press F4 or click on P & L A/C for Profit & Loss Statement and F3 or click on Havala Effect for virtual Havala effect.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Daily Status By selecting this option, Status report of current date will be displayed. In this report, Cash & Debit Sale / Purchase transaction and Receipt & Payment of Cash & Bank accounts will be displayed.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Performance Report In this option, 3 year’s Group wise comparison analysis will be displayed. Press F5 or click on RATIO ANALYSIS for different type of analytical ratio.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Sale / Purchase Report This option displays different types of Sales & Purchase analytical reports.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Party wise Report This option displays different types of Party / City / Area wise Sales & Purchase analytical reports.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Account Analysis This option displays different types of Account wise transaction analysis reports.
1. Quick Entry Quick entry is simplest and quickest way to enter cash / bank transaction. Option: Transaction -> Quick Entry -> Cash / Bank Here select Cash / Bank account from list, than select receipt or payment.List of vouchers of particular type will be displayed. In this list: a) To enter new entry, go to blank line and press Enter. Enter Voucher Date, Voucher / Cheque No, Account Name, Amount and Narration. b) To edit existing entry, press Enter or click on EDIT button and to delete, press CTRL+Y or click DELETE. c) To change voucher type (Receipt/ Payment) press F3 or click VOU. TYPE. d) To change Cash/Bank account, press F4 or click CHANGE A/C. e) To change date range, press F2 or click DATE f) To audit existing entry press TAB or click on AUDIT 2. Simple Entry Option: Transaction -> Cash/Bank Entry List of voucher types (Cash Receipt / Cash Payment / Bank Receipt/ Bank Payment / Contra) will be displayed. Select required voucher type and press enter. Voucher list for selected voucher type will be displayed. Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. For Cheque Book (Bank Payment) & Slip Book (Bank Receipt) entry, select proper bank account, and enter details like voucher no., date, account name amount and narration. For Cash Receipt / Payment entry, select Cash Account and enter details. Note: For additional details in cash/ bank entry like Kasar/ Discount/ Bank Commission etc., we can create Entry Type/Extra details from Voucher setup. 3. Multiple Entry To enter details of receipt / payment of multiple accounts.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Fund Flow This option displays month wise working capital in & out flow.
Option: Report -> Analytical Report -> Cash Flow This option displays month wise cash movement.
Option: Report -> Other Report -> Interest Report This option is used for Interest calculation (Simple & Compound) with option for Havala & TDS.
Option: Report -> Other Report -> Bill wise Interest This option is used for Bill to Bill Interest calculation (Simple & Compound) with option for Havala & TDS.
Option: Report -> Other Report -> Forms Report This option generates different types of Pending declaration forms report. Option for printing Form collection letter is also available.
Option: Utility -> Havala -> TDS -> TDS Payable This option displays report of TDS to be deducted by us and payable to government. Press CTRL+H or click on HAVALA to generate TDS Havala. Option: Utility -> Havala -> TDS -> TDS Deducted by Other This option displays report of TDS to be deducted by opposite party. Option: Utility -> Havala -> TDS Challan Once TDS Havala is done from above option, this option generates Form 16 A and other TDS related reports. Note: Definition of TDS (rate of TDS / Limit etc.) can be given at the time of Account opening or from Option: Utility -> Havala -> Havala Setup.
Option: Utility -> Havala -> Interest This option displays report of interest payable on Secured/ Unsecured loan accounts. Press CTRL+H or click on HAVALA for Havala entry.
Option: Utility -> Havala -> Depreciation This option displays Depreciation chart of Fixed Assets accounts. Press CTRL+H or click on HAVALA for Havala entry.
Option: Utility -> Havala -> Capital This option displays profit share of Capital accounts. Press CTRL+H or click on HAVALA for Havala entry. Note: Definition of Interest / Depreciation / Capital can be given at the time of Account opening or from Option: Utility -> Havala -> Havala Setup.
Option: Utility -> Year End -> New Year Use this option to create new financial year.
Once year is created and you change transaction in Previous Year, than use Option: Utility -> Year End -> Update Balance option in Previous Year to update account and stock balance in new financial year.
Audit feature is used to tally/ check already entered data. By using Audit option we can mark a Voucher as checked or audited. To Audit any entry in any report, Press TAB on that entry or click on AUDIT button. Check () sign will appear in that entry. We can also password protect / lock audited entry. To password protect entry, go to Option: Setup -> Company Setup -> General Options and set Lock Audited Vouchers option to YES. If you want to enter password at each audit than set Password at Each Audit option to YES.
Option: Utility -> Advance Utility -> Data Freeze Data freeze option is used to lock data of particular date range. It is also possible to freeze data of particular voucher type.
Option: Utility -> Personal Diary This option provides utilities like Reminders, Appointment, Address Book, Mail merge letters etc.
Option: Transaction -> Journal Entry -> Credit Note, Debit note List of voucher types (Journal / Credit Note /Debit Note etc.) will be displayed. Select required voucher type and press enter. Voucher list for selected voucher type will be displayed. Press INS or click on NEW button to add entry. Here enter detail like Voucher date etc. and enter multiple detail of entry, If effect of this voucher should be given in VAT reports, than VAT/GST should be selected in Tax type field.
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